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Maximize Every Workout: Tips to Stay Motivated and Perform Your Best
Let’s face it, every time you step into the gym, you’re not always going to be 100% motivated. Life is full of stress, and some days it feels like everything is weighing on you. But does that mean you should skip your workout if you’re not feeling your best? Absolutely
3 Simple Strategies to Curb Hunger and Stay on Track with Your Diet
We hear it all the time at Flexx Personal Training: “Following my diet is the easy part; I’m just SOOOO hungry all the time.” It’s a common struggle. Sticking to a diet or a plan might seem simple enough, but the real challenge often comes when hunger strikes—especially when it’s
How to Weigh Yourself Accurately: A Simple Guide to Tracking True Fitness Progress
It’s Sunday morning, and you step on the scale, only to be shocked by what you see—the number has gone up three pounds. Frustration sets in. You’ve stuck to your diet, completed all your workouts, and even squeezed in a couple of extra walks. So why isn’t the scale reflecting
How to Build Momentum for Fitness Success: Start Small, Achieve Big Results
Momentum. It’s a word we often hear, but what does it really mean in the context of fitness and personal health? By definition, momentum is the force gained by a series of events. It’s the small, gradual buildup that leads to bigger and bigger results over time. Think of a