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Boost Your Calorie Burn with N.E.A.T.: The Power of Everyday Movement for Fat Loss
N.E.A.T. stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which is just a fancy way of saying the calories you burn through your daily activities outside of formal exercise. Most people think the majority of their calorie burn comes from workouts, but in reality, it’s the small movements and activities throughout your day
Why Muscle Soreness Isn’t the Best Indicator of a Great Workout: Tips for Recovery
Many people believe that soreness is the ultimate sign of a successful workout. The more sore you are, the better the workout must have been, right? Not quite! While soreness is a common byproduct of exercise, it doesn’t necessarily mean your workout was more effective or intense. Let’s break down
Maximize Every Workout: Tips to Stay Motivated and Perform Your Best
Let’s face it, every time you step into the gym, you’re not always going to be 100% motivated. Life is full of stress, and some days it feels like everything is weighing on you. But does that mean you should skip your workout if you’re not feeling your best? Absolutely
3 Simple Strategies to Curb Hunger and Stay on Track with Your Diet
We hear it all the time at Flexx Personal Training: “Following my diet is the easy part; I’m just SOOOO hungry all the time.” It’s a common struggle. Sticking to a diet or a plan might seem simple enough, but the real challenge often comes when hunger strikes—especially when it’s