Momentum. It’s a word we often hear, but what does it really mean in the context of fitness and personal health?
By definition, momentum is the force gained by a series of events. It’s the small, gradual buildup that leads to bigger and bigger results over time. Think of a snowball rolling down a mountain. At first, it’s tiny, moving slowly, and seemingly insignificant. But as it continues to roll, it picks up more snow, moves faster, and eventually transforms into a powerful avalanche.
Fitness is exactly the same way.
The Myth of Overnight Transformation
Many people approach their fitness journey with the misconception that they need to change everything all at once. They think they need to overhaul their diet, start an intense workout routine, and adopt a completely new lifestyle overnight. While this might sound like a quick way to achieve results, it usually leads to burnout, unsustainable progress, and a life that feels more like a chore than a joy.
Start Small, Think Big
The key to lasting success in fitness—and in life—is to start small. Identify one thing you can change that will make a significant impact. It doesn’t have to be a huge, earth-shattering change; it just needs to be something that matters and is attainable.
Take an Honest Audit
Start by taking an honest look at your current habits. Where are you right now? Maybe you rarely eat dinner at home, often reach for a couple of drinks multiple nights a week, or rely solely on your workouts at Flexx for physical activity.
Once you’ve identified where you are, pick one big rock to tackle. This big rock is your focus, your starting point—the snowball that will build momentum and help you achieve your larger goals.
My Own Journey: From 260 to 200 Pounds
When I decided to lose weight, my big rock was the amount of food I was eating. I didn’t try to change everything at once. Instead, I started with one small, simple change.
In the first week, my goal was to eat my daily chicken sandwiches without mayo. It was a small, attainable, and actionable goal that I could build on.
By week two, I decided to stop adding cheese to the sandwiches. In week three, I reduced my intake to just two chicken sandwiches a day. By week four, I was opting for grilled chicken sandwiches instead of fried ones.
Sixty-five weeks later, I had lost 60 pounds.
Find Your Spark
Everyone’s journey is different, but the principle of momentum remains the same. Find your spark—your jolt to kick off your fitness journey. Take an honest audit of your daily habits, pick an attainable goal, reach it, and then aim for the next one.
Remember, an avalanche doesn’t happen out of thin air. It’s the result of momentum that’s been building over time, even when it’s hard to see. By focusing on small, meaningful changes, you can create your own momentum and achieve the lasting results you’ve been aiming for.
So, what’s your snowball? Start rolling it today, and watch as it transforms into something powerful and life-changing.